ARP ESSER Funds Allocation Plan for Neoga CUSD #3
ARP ESSER Funds Allocation Plan for Neoga CUSD #3
Per ISBE, each school district that receives ARP ESSER funds must develop a plan for its use of ARP ESSER funds and submit it to ISBE within 90 days of funds being received. School districts must provide the opportunity to provide input on the plan, take input into account and post the ARP ESSER plan on its Website.
October of 2021, the use of ARP funds was discussed with the district’s Curriculum Committee which includes teachers, union leadership, and school board members. This was also placed on the agenda for discussion and input at a regular Board of Education Meeting on October 14, 2021. Public input was sought at this meeting.
ARP ESSER Allocation Plan for FY21-FY24
ESSER II Projected Allocation= $494,460
ESSER II Projected Expenditures:
- Hardware upgrades for Promethean Boards;
- Document Cameras for 38 classrooms;
- Tablets for grades K-1;
- Staff laptop replacements;
- Windows laptops for classrooms;
- Staff Chromebooks;
- Promethean Panels for itinerant teachers at the elementary school;
- Staff desktop upgrades;
- Contactless vision screener for the school nurse;
- Upgrade wi-fi access points;
- Outdoor classroom;
- Greenhouse;
- Salary for a F/T custodian;
- HVAC unit at NES;
- HVAC unit in NHS weight room;
- Custodial cleaning supplies;
- Sound systems for the two gyms at NJSHS.
ESSER III Projected Allocation= $1,141,148
ESSER III Projected Expenditures:
- Salary and benefits for summer school teachers in 2022, 2023, and 2024;
- Salary and benefits for summer enrichment in the summer of 2022, 2023, and 2024;
- Paraprofessional pay and benefits for afterschool tutoring for Spring of 2022 and all of 2023 school year;
- Apex licenses for credit recovery;
- Licenses for software to improve math and reading instruction;
- License for Second Step Curriculum to improve social-emotional learning;
- Subscription to Screencastify;
- New math series for grades K-12;
- Student Chromebooks;
- Staff desktop upgrades;
- Roof replacement at NES.